Using cart blocks

The Quick cart can be accessed on any page by clicking the cart icon in the header. The quick cart includes customizable cart blocks (like Cross-sells and a Free shipping bar) and other optional features (like a Low inventory warning).

Add cart blocks

Cart blocks are the basic components of your Flash Cart. You can add, remove, and customize the cart blocks in the Theme Editor.


In your Theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click the Cart icon to open the quick cart drawer.

  2. Click the blue Pencil icon to open the Flash Cart template.

  3. Under the Flash cart section, click (+) Add block then select one of the cart blocks.

  4. (Optional.) Use the drag-and-drop handles (⋮⋮) to re-order the cart blocks.

  5. Click Save.

Install and enable Flash Cart, then set up some essential features to get started.

Edit block layout

The quick cart has a Main column and an optional Sidebar column. You can choose to position cart blocks (except Cart items) in either the main column or Sidebar.

  1. Click on a cart block to open the settings. Find the Layout settings at the bottom of the side panel.

  2. Select the Location that you want the cart block to appear: either the Main column or Sidebar.

  3. Check the Sticky option to fix the position of the block to the Top or Bottom of the column..

  4. Click Save.

Edit block colors

For most blocks, you can change the Color scheme to one of three options: Default, Accent, or Accent inverse.

  1. Click on a cart block to open the settings. Find the Appearance settings at the bottom of the side panel.

  2. Select the Color scheme for the block: either Default, Accent, or Accent inverse.

  3. Check the Sticky option to fix the position of the block to the Top or Bottom of the column.

  4. Click Save.

Last updated