
Cart block

The Cross-sells block displays recommended products related to your customer’s cart items. They can click through and add recommended cross-sells directly in their cart.

You can select Handpicked recommendations for individual products, add Global recommendations for all products, or show Automatic recommendations.

Set up cross-sell products

From the Flash Cart menu in the admin sidebar, click Cross-sells to manage your cross-sell recommendations.

By default, all slots are filled by Automatic recommendations, unless you’ve chosen to disable them in the Cross-sells settings. You can replace automatic recommendations with Global cross-sells and Handpicked cross-sells.

Which cross-sell products will be shown?

Every product displays a maximum of 4 cross-sell products. Flash Cart follows these rules to select which cross-sell products to show:

Cross-sells are shown in order of priority: 1. Handpicked, 2. Global, then 3. Automatic.

  • If a product has 4 handpicked items, they will fill all available slots. Global items fill remaining slots after handpicked items. Automatic items fill remaining slots after handpicked and global items.

Cross-sells appear in the order they are assigned.

  • If there are multiple products in the cart, the block will display all the cross-sells that are assigned first for each product, then it will display the second assigned items, and so on.

  • You can change the order of the products in Cross-sells settings. Use the drag-and-drop handles to re-order the cross-sell items.

Duplicate cross-sells will not be shown.

  • If two products in the cart have the same cross-sell, it will appear only once.

  • If a cross-sell is added to the cart, it will not appear in the cross-sells block.

Customize block style and location

In the theme editor, you can customize the style and layout of the cross-sells block.

  • Choose to display cross-sells in a rotating slideshow.

  • Select an Add-to-cart action to change what happens when customers click the Add button.

  • Change the appearance cross-sell products, including the thumbnail image size and shape (aspect ratio), and savings display style.

  • Change the layout of the cross-sells block to position it in main column or sidebar, and choose to make it “sticky”.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click the Edit Flash Cart button at the bottom of the preview.

    If you haven’t enabled Flash Cart, go to App Embeds.

  2. Click the Cross-sells block to open the settings.

  3. Choose whether to Display products in a slideshow.

  4. Choose whether to Auto-switch cross-sells.

    Select the Cross-sells switching speed to rotate Cross-sells products every 3, 4, 5, or 6 seconds.

  5. Select an Add to Cart Upsell Action to change what happens when customers click the Add button: either Add to cart or View product page

  6. Select the Thumbnail image aspect ratio of the product image.

    Select the Thumbnail size of the product image.

  7. Select a Savings display style to show the savings amount as either a Dollar or Percentage value.

  8. Select the Location that you want the cart block to appear: either the Main column or Sidebar.

  9. Check the Sticky option to fix the position of the block to the Top or Bottom of the column.

  10. Click Save.

Related links Handpicked cross-sells Automatic recommendations Global cross-sells Analytics\

Last updated