Flash Bundles Help Centre

Find in-depth documentation to get you started and make the most of Flash Bundles.

Quick start


Is Bundles compatible with my theme?

Flash Bundles is compatible with all supported Shopify themes and can be customized to match your store's branding. Flash Bundles is an App embed, so it extends the functionality of themes without altering theme code. It can be easily installed or removed, so if you’re wanting to download the free trial, go for it!

Contact Support

For any questions relating to Flash Bundles, please submit a support ticket through our contact form.

Provide as much detail as possible for faster and effective responses. We are available Monday to Friday, 10AM to 6PM PST, excluding statutory holidays.

We aim to respond to all tickets within 24hr. However, please allow 1-2 business days for a support response. All tickets are responded to in the order that they are received.

Last updated